Dive into the basics of graphic design with Canva. This week, you’ll explore Canva’s user-friendly interface, learn essential design principles, and create your first projects. By the end of the week, you’ll master working with templates, images, and text to produce stunning social media posts, posters, and more.

Day 1: Introduction to Canva and Basic Design Principles

1. Introduction to Canva

Overview and Sign-up Process

Navigating the Canva Interface

Overview of Design Templates and Tools

2. Basic Design Principles

Color Theory: Understanding Colors and Choosing a Palette

Typography: Fonts and Pairings

Layout and Composition: Basics of Design Structure

Day 2: Creating Your First Designs

1. Exploring Templates for Social Media Posts

Choosing the Right Template

Customizing Templates with Text, Images, and Colors

2. Practical Exercise: Create a Simple Social Media Post

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your First Design

Tips for Effective Customization

3. Saving and Exporting Your Design

Different Formats and Their Uses

Day 3: Working with Images and Graphics

1. Uploading and Using Your Own Images

Importing Images into Canva

Editing and Enhancing Photos

2. Accessing and Customizing Canva’s Image Library

Using Stock Photos and Elements

Customizing Elements and Icons

3. Practical Exercise: Create a Poster or Flyer

Combining Text and Images

Layout and Design Tips

Day 4: Advanced Tools and Techniques

1. Using Layers and Grouping Elements

Understanding Layers in Canva

Grouping and Ungrouping Elements for Better Control

2. Working with Transparency and Opacity

Adjusting Transparency for Creative Effects

Practical Uses of Opacity in Design

3. Utilizing Grids and Frames

Using Grids for Alignment

Adding Frames to Enhance Images

4. Practical Exercise: Create a Marketing Flyer

Applying Advanced Tools and Techniques

Day 5: Designing for Different Formats

1. Designing for Print vs. Digital

Key Differences and Considerations

Best Practices for Each Format

2. Creating Business Cards, Logos, and Brand Kits

Step-by-Step Guide to Designing Business Essentials

Tips for Consistency and Branding

3. Practical Exercise: Design a Business Card and Logo

Applying Design Principles to Professional Materials

Meeting ID 81748593071
Topic Test one
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Start Time Thursday, Jun 27, 2024 05:30 PM
Timezone UTC
Duration 45
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